

LIGHT: Indirect, bright light is best. Direct sun will elevate the internal temperature of the terrarium, resulting in plant death and over condensation.

SOIL: For all terrariums, moisture should be visible in the slayed through the glass. The key is to have slight condensation, any only enough moisture present in the terrarium to wet the soil layer, so that excess moisture can seep into the bottom drainage layers. This prevents molding and rotting.

Sealed Terrarium:
If you have a tight seal, you won’t lose moisture from your terrarium meaning if it started off with the right amount of water then you should never need to water it.

Partial Seal/Narrow Opening:
Check for dryness every so often, depending on how much air is escaping. Some with a narrow opening can retain moisture for weeks or months without needing watering.

Open/Non Sealed Terrarium:
Weekly, at least Ensure that your terrarium has constant moisture. If your plants have very tuberous stems or thick leaves, you might get away with letting the soil dry slightly in between waterings. Plants with thinner leaves and stems will need constant moisture. In between waterings, use a mister to provide hydration for the leaves.