

LIGHT: Bright, direct sun is best. At least 6 hours daily. If no direct sun is available, cacti will still survive in indirect, bright sunshine. During their fall/winter dormancy, they do not require as much direct sun (though still bright), and prefer cooler temperatures. If cacti do not receive enough light, they will appear to stretch and elongate towards a point of light.

SOIL: Well draining, coarse soil. Use 50% perlite or vermiculite, 40% potting soil, 10% sand.

WATER: Cacti are very drought tolerant, but that doesn't mean that they don't enjoy or benefit from regular waterings. In the spring & summer, cacti are in their growing season, meaning they require more water. Typically once every 2 weeks is sufficient but they can be watered once a week if you notice the soil is drying out quickly. In the late fall/winter, cacti go dormant and require less frequent watering- about once every 4 to 6 weeks depending how humid or dry your house is.

FERTILIZING: In the growing season- use diluted liquid fertilizer every 2nd or 3rd watering. Use standard 20/20/20 blend.