B.Willow x Greedy Reads Book Club!

Introducing: the B.Willow x Greedy Reads Book Club! We are so excited for the first pick, The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs, by Steve Brusatte. Join us for a virtual Q/A with Dr. Brusatte, October 17th at 3PM. Register here!

Why a dinosaur book, you ask? Learning about the species that once roamed this planet provides such an incredible depth of understanding to our modern, human-centric world. The way we tend to focus on the Anthropocene age (when humans began to significantly impact the Earth’s geology and ecosystems) is like jumping to the last chapter of a book. If 100% constitutes the entirety of our planet’s existence, humans would only comprise .01%. We haven’t been around for more than a blip in time, meaning there is so much to learn about the species that came before us, and how the world has changed. The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs provides a delightful overview of the diversity of life that has existed since the first bacterial lifeforms came about billions of years ago, as well as how the earth’s geology has changed over time. I, personally, found it fascinating and a very enjoyable read, and I think you will too! Dr. Brusatte’s writing is both scientific and page turning. He very successfully makes the field of paleontology accessible, gripping, and captivating.

When I think back to what I learned about the dinosaurs in school as a kid, nothing really stands out, other than being completely fascinated by the notion that their extinction was still a mystery at that time. Beyond that, when I think about dinosaurs it mostly conjures images from Jurassic Park, or the dinosaur spokesman for brushing your teeth PSA’s (remember those?). As life went on, I can’t say I’ve really delved much into the world of paleontology. Little did I know, the field of paleontology has always, and continues to be filled with new discoveries, insight, and understanding about the incredibly wild world of species that once dominated our planet (the descendants of which, still exist today!). Prepare to wow your friends with facts about T.Rex, giant salamanders, how lots of dinosaurs were pack animals roaming across the land like bison, and more. Plus, join us October 17th and ask Dr. Brusatte all of the questions that you will surely come up with as you read his amazing book!

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