October's Featured Environmental Non-Profit, Cylburn Arboretum

We’re super excited to launch a new series of features each month, highlighting a variety of environmental non-profits in Baltimore. Our mission at B.Willow is to help reconnect society with the natural world, with the larger goal of inspiring more of us to be better stewards of our environment. It’s hard to expect people to actively care about our local ecosystems, if many of us feel so disconnected from nature in the first place. We know that caring for houseplants can help cultivate a deeper relationship with nature, and we hope to transform that relationship into one that also prioritizes our environment as a whole. Future generations are relying on us to do our part, and every day that passes is an opportunity for us to do better. We hope to bring you frequent opportunities to support organizations that are working hard to reduce our environmental impact.

This month’s featured environmental non-profit is Cylburn Arboretum. Throughout October, 10% of sales each Monday, and a portion of staff gratuity will go directly to the Arboretum!

“Cylburn Arboretum – a 200-acre urban oasis -- is so much more than just a quiet green space, a serene park in the middle of Baltimore City.  It is a center of environmental beauty and learning where visitors can discover the natural world, be inspired by gorgeous gardens, enjoy walking woodland trails, and explore local history. 

Cylburn Arboretum Friends is the non-profit organization that works in partnership with Baltimore City's Department of Recreation and Parks.  We help maintain the gardens and grounds at Cylburn Arboretum and offer nature education programs for people of all ages.  Our mission is to provide support and stewardship for Cylburn Arboretum as a place of natural beauty, tranquility, culture, and learning, open to all.  We offer seasonal workshops and gardening programs, a variety of walks and tours, and a summer camp program for children, as well as volunteer opportunities.  Our popular Market Day event, now a Baltimore tradition, is held annually each spring in May.  Our members help support our work and enjoy many benefits throughout the year, including our Cylburn Garden Club.  Plans for our new Nature Education Center, to be located in the historic Carriage House at Cylburn Arboretum, are currently in the early stages of planning.  Sign up for our monthly newsletter - or - visit www.cylburn.org to find out more!”
